(317) 934-5285
Indy Wildcats
At Indy Wildcats, we’re all about having fun and embracing challenge. Our experienced coaches train our players to reach their highest potential, and to always have a great time, whether it’s at training or during competition. We’ve been around since 2019 and are still going strong. Become a part of the team and join us at our next competition.
“ I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I just can’t accept not giving it my all. ”
Playing to Win
Since the beginning , we’re proud to be counted amongst the best teams in the greater Indianapolis area. We’re committed to succeeding as a unit, and dedicated to representing our team’s principles of hard work and sportsmanship. Our team is made up of some incredibly talented players and a terrific coaching staff who always seems to know when to push the right buttons and how to pull the right strings to help our players succeed.